The STEP Forward Life Institute™

Where God is your source. Experience is your study. Faith is your evidence. Success is your credential.

"Our students simply wanted to strengthen their faith, minister to their families, and serve in their communities. They wanted to be equipped to actually do what Christ taught; to be able to do the works of service and ministry beyond the local church building. They desired a different kind of education."

---Chris and Carol Green (Founders)


You might feel like many of our students who have said:

  • " I just want to grow stronger in my Faith."


  • "I want to learn how to connect with my family members who will never attend a church."


  • "I'm searching for comprehensive training and programs that will equip me to help the under-served in my community."


  • "I need help in my marriage."

  • What's the big controversy about giving money to a local church?


  • "How do I protect my kids from what's being taught by society?"


  • "I have formal education, but I'm lost and don't know what's next for me."

  • What does it mean to be saved and filled with the Spirit?


  • "Everything is going wrong and I'm ready to quit the ministry."


  • "What do you do when your prayers aren't answered?"

The STEP Forward Life Institute™ is the response to those questions and requests. We provide practical instruction that empowers you to add to your faith, embrace your unique process of healing, and make certain you're prepared for those once in a lifetime opportunities to minister to your family and serve in your community.  

We prepare and equip Christian Believers to do the work of the minstry and not just religious activity.  

You won't just watch videos, take exams, and write papers. In the STEP Forward Education Process... God is your source. Experience is your study. Faith is your evidence. Success is your credential.

"You don't have to light up the whole world. 

Just brighten the corner where you live."

Lead Instructors, Chris and Carol Green are the visionaries behind STEP Forward.  As affiliate members and International Humanitarian Statesmen of iChange Nations™, they partnered with United Graduate College and Seminary International to offer accelerated, ministry-accredited certificate courses that were created from the Searcherdemic education foundation and its principles.

Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to offer leaders, working in under-served communities, high-quality tools that empower and equip them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts.

Access Bishop Paul T. Veney Scholarships HERE

"Our students simply wanted to strengthen their faith, minister to their families, and serve in their communities. They wanted to be equipped to actually do what Christ taught; to be able to do the works of service and ministry beyond the local church building. They desired a different kind of education."

---Chris and Carol Green (Founders)


You might feel like many of our students who have said:

  • " I just want to grow stronger in my Faith."


  • "I want to learn how to connect with my family members who will never attend a church."


  • "I'm searching for comprehensive training and programs that will equip me to help the under-served in my community."


  • "I need help in my marriage."

  • What's the big controversy about giving money to a local church?


  • "How do I protect my kids from what's being taught by society?"


  • "I have formal education, but I'm lost and don't know what's next for me."

  • What does it mean to be saved and filled with the Spirit?


  • "Everything is going wrong and I'm ready to quit the ministry."


  • "What do you do when your prayers aren't answered?"

The STEP Forward Life Institute™ is the response to those questions and requests. We provide practical instruction that empowers you to add to your faith, embrace your unique process of healing, and make certain you're prepared for those once in a lifetime opportunities to minister to your family and serve in your community.  

We prepare and equip Christian Believers to do the work of the minstry and not just religious activity.  

You won't just watch videos, take exams, and write papers. In the STEP Forward Education Process... God is your source. Experience is your study. Faith is your evidence. Success is your credential.

"You don't have to light up the whole world. 

Just brighten the corner where you live."

Lead Instructors, Chris and Carol Green are the visionaries behind STEP Forward.  As affiliate members and International Humanitarian Statesmen of iChange Nations™, they partnered with United Graduate College and Seminary International to offer accelerated, ministry-accredited certificate courses that were created from the Searcherdemic education foundation and its principles.

Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to offer leaders, working in under-served communities, high-quality tools that empower and equip them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts.

Access Bishop Paul T. Veney Scholarships HERE